Sundays | 8:45 - 10 AM

    Quizzing meets Sundays @ 8:45-10:00AM in The Den
    This is a year long team commitment.  

    See the videos and info below on what Quizzing is all about!

    Our Quizzing program is for students from grade 7-12. This program is a lot of fun and challenges students to excel while studying God's word and applying it to their lives. Quizzing involves students memorizing scripture and competing against other teams from churches across the district. There are 4 Quizzing tournaments throughout the year. BAC has multiple teams that compete at these tournaments.

    The mission of Quizzing is to see visible evidence of the application of God's Word in the lifestyle of each Quizzer.

    Bible Quizzing is a ministry of Life Impact Ministries/CMA to help teens connect with God in a deeper way by 'Experiencing Him and Expanding His Kingdom'. It accomplishes this by:

    A. Providing teens with an opportunity to be involved in the systematic study and application of God's Word.
    B. Building character, instilling self-discipline, and encouraging prayer and unity.
    C. Equipping young people with the capacity to serve in other areas of ministry.

    There is a fee which is paid in 4 installments over the year. This covers all expenses for the 3 tournaments held in various Alliance Churches throughout the year as well as the retreat/tournament at Muskoka Woods in May.

    Want to know more?  Check out this video!

    Click here to register to be on the Quizzing team