The Christian & Missionary Alliance is a missionary denomination -Christ centered, Spirit empowered and Mission focussed

    We have a Global Advance Fund that can be contributed which supports our missionary effort. All funds given to a missions cause is forwarded entirely to our Canadian Headquarters for missionary use. We support various forms of missions outreach that takes place through Christian & Missionary Churches in Canada. We have churches that minister in the national language of many ethnic groups. Financial support is given to these groups to start their church, and contributes until they are self supporting. This Canadian Ministries Fund also contributes to our Seminary which prepares our pastors and lay people. This Fund also provides monies for the starting of new Alliance Churches. Offerings contributed to this fund are forwarded entirely to the office that administers this area of ministry.

    We also have a Missions fund that can be contributed to as we send out teams. We are excited to partner with our own International workers to send a team to Peru this year.

    Come join us on MISSIONS SUNDAY to hear all about what God is doing in Peru